The secret to leadership in 2024? The coach

The secret to leadership in 2024? The coach

The world of leadership is changing fast, and 2024 looks like it’s not going to stop. It’s seemingly not enough for leaders to rely solely on traditional management and leadership skills in a multigenerational, distributed, and increasingly complex workspace. Leaders must adapt, be creative, and show empathy in a world of constant change.   But […]

November 2nd, 2023



A search expert making key hires for over twenty years.

The world of leadership is changing fast, and 2024 looks like it’s not going to stop. It’s seemingly not enough for leaders to rely solely on traditional management and leadership skills in a multigenerational, distributed, and increasingly complex workspace. Leaders must adapt, be creative, and show empathy in a world of constant change.


But how? Who is helping them?


In sports, external coaching is essential for optimal performance. Take British athlete Victoria Pendleton, for example. She had a team of coaches for many different aspects of her sport, including sprinting, endurance, and strength. She also worked with psychiatrist Steve Peters to boost her mental toughness and focus.


Coaching and guidance are common practices in various areas of life where people want to improve. Be it in terms of nutrition, exercise, or managing finances, we often turn to experts to assist us in being the best we can be.


So, this raises an important question – who is guiding the leaders of today?


Let’s discuss the growing value of the leadership coach in 2024 and beyond.



External coaching is on the rise – here’s why


We polled 2,000 senior HR leaders in our community about the leadership development practices they use in their organisations. Among them, 42% say they already use external trainers and one-on-one coaching to help their leaders grow, with many more taking steps to do the same in 2024.


They emphasised that what makes external coaches so valuable is their ability to focus entirely on the individual. While they may partly align with the company’s goals, their main dedication is to the leader and their specific situation. Since they aren’t distracted by internal matters, external coaches provide personalised guidance to help leaders achieve their unique goals.


We went a step further and asked what else they found valuable in the leadership coach.


Here’s what they told us:


Promoting Self-Awareness

Effective leadership starts with knowing your strengths and areas for improvement. By bringing in an external coach, they provide leaders with fresh perspectives that help them to make informed decisions about their growth.


Providing a New Angle

External coaches provide an unbiased perspective, free from biases related to the organisation’s internal dynamics. Their impartial stance helps leaders make decisions that benefit the company and its people, leading to more inclusive and strategic decision-making.


Tapping Into Their Expertise

External coaches are experts in leadership development. They stay informed about the latest trends and strategies, allowing them to equip leaders and their teams with the topical and relevant knowledge necessary for growth.


Creating a Safe Space for Honesty

Leaders need a place where they can talk candidly about their concerns and challenges without the fear of consequences. External coaches create this trust, enabling leaders to address underlying issues and ensure everyone’s satisfaction and growth.


Holding Leaders Accountable

External coaches place a strong emphasis on accountability. They guide leaders in setting and achieving meaningful goals, ensuring steady progress over time. This keeps them on track and helps leaders reach their objectives, creating a more dynamic and successful senior leadership team.


“The best leaders know when to be led” (Bill Gates)



Ready to unlock your leadership team’s potential? Get in touch to discover how we connect our clients to exceptional coaches in our network.



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