Why leaders are being told to evolve or face extinction.

Why leaders are being told to evolve or face extinction.

Global CEOs believe their organisation won’t be economically viable in 10 years’ time if they stay on their current path.   This is not just a warning but an urgent call to action. In PwC’s recent Global CEO survey, 4,410 chief executives all agree: you must “evolve or die”.   The turbulence of recent years, […]

October 4th, 2023



A search expert making key hires for over twenty years.

Global CEOs believe their organisation won’t be economically viable in 10 years’ time if they stay on their current path.


This is not just a warning but an urgent call to action. In PwC’s recent Global CEO survey, 4,410 chief executives all agree: you must “evolve or die”.


The turbulence of recent years, marked by the global COVID-19 pandemic, economic uncertainties, and the sudden growth of AI, has reshaped the business landscape like never before. Sitting still is no longer an option. Unprecedented times like these emphasise the need for leaders to equip themselves and their teams with the skills necessary to be resilient, adaptable, and future-thinking.


One way to do this is by adopting a mindset called “Futures Thinking”, which arms leaders with the tools to anticipate and navigate the uncertainties of the future.


Let’s explore this in a bit more detail.


Futures Thinking: Explained


Futures Thinking emerged during the 1960s, a period marked by rapid change. It was influenced by groundbreaking new technology to significant economic shifts.


This approach introduced innovative techniques like ‘scenario planning’, which involves constructing different stories about the future to explore the various possible outcomes. Over time, these methods have spread to areas like government, technology, and everyday life.


Futures Thinking does not attempt to predict the future. Instead, it provides a toolkit of techniques to help you envision what could drive change and how that will shape the future. It allows you to explore the implications of these changes for present-day decision-making; influencing what, when, and how you do it. In essence, it is more of a creative and exploratory process than an analytical way of thinking that would seek to find absolute answers to reduce uncertainty. The approach is plural because it refers to a way of thinking that explores all the different possibilities that the future may hold.


Embracing Futures Thinking: A Blueprint for Leaders and Teams


The World Economic Forum recently highlighted a set of skills they believe are essential for the future. Interestingly, these skills perfectly align with what it takes to be an effective Futures Thinker: thinking creatively, being adaptable, and strategically envisioning potential futures.


To infuse this mindset into your leadership and team dynamics, consider these practical steps:


Environmental Scanning

Encourage your team to keep an eye on external factors like industry trends, new technologies, and global events. This can be done by regularly reading industry publications and attending conferences. Leaders can also put aside time in team meetings to have relevant discussions.


Scenario Planning

Fostering a culture of innovation is crucial. Work with your team to create different scenarios for the future and brainstorm various potential outcomes and challenges. Engaging in these discussions will help empower your team to be better prepared for what could be coming around the corner.


Innovation Culture

Encourage your team to explore new approaches to existing challenges; create a safe space for experimentation and learning from failures. Here is one of our favourite reads from Harvard Business Review on the 5 ways you can boost creativity on your team.


Cross-Functional Collaboration

Encourage collaboration across different departments or teams within your organisation. Cross-functional teams can offer diverse perspectives and insights, which can be valuable for identifying future trends and challenges.


By incorporating Futures Thinking into your day-to-day work and encouraging your team to do the same, you can help with the future-proofing of your company. Embracing change, staying vigilant, and being prepared for the unexpected are the keys to success in today’s dynamic business world.



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