Is automation alienating top talent from you?

Is automation alienating top talent from you?

The rise of automation in recruitment has undeniably streamlined many aspects of the hiring process. However, as technology continues to advance, a growing concern is emerging: the potential loss of human connection. Today’s top talent is increasingly feeling disconnected and undervalued as they navigate an increasingly automated job search.   This disconnect is a significant […]

August 8th, 2024



A search expert making key hires for over twenty years.

The rise of automation in recruitment has undeniably streamlined many aspects of the hiring process. However, as technology continues to advance, a growing concern is emerging: the potential loss of human connection. Today’s top talent is increasingly feeling disconnected and undervalued as they navigate an increasingly automated job search.


This disconnect is a significant risk to your talent pipeline. Research shows that over 80% of candidates believe their experience directly impacts their perception of a company. A negative candidate experience can damage your employer’s brand and deter top talent from applying.

To thrive in this competitive talent market, it’s essential to prioritise the human touch in your recruitment process.

Here’s why:


1. Build Lasting Relationships

In a world of automated emails and generic responses, genuine human interaction stands out. By taking the time to engage with candidates on a personal level, you create a strong foundation for a potential long-term relationship. Understanding their career aspirations, strengths, and motivations goes beyond simply filling a role. It’s about finding the right fit for both the candidate and your company.

2. Unlock Cultural Fit

Company culture is a powerful differentiator. However, assessing cultural fit solely through automated tools is a gamble. Human interaction provides invaluable insights into a candidate’s personality, values, and how they might integrate into your team. By fostering open conversations, you can identify candidates who truly align with your company’s ethos.

3. Create Memorable Candidate Experiences

A positive candidate experience is essential for attracting and retaining top talent. Personal touches like timely communication, personalised feedback, and genuine interest in the candidate create a lasting impression. Remember, word-of-mouth is powerful. A candidate who feels valued, even if unsuccessful, is more likely to recommend your company to others.

4. Tap into Soft Skills

Technical skills are crucial, but soft skills often determine long-term success. Human interaction allows you to assess qualities like communication, problem-solving, and adaptability firsthand. These insights are invaluable when making hiring decisions.

5. Make Informed Decisions

While automation can provide data-driven insights, human judgment is irreplaceable. Experienced recruiters can identify potential red flags or hidden strengths that algorithms might miss. By combining technology with human expertise, you can make more informed and confident hiring decisions.

While automation offers efficiency benefits, we believe it shouldn’t replace human interaction entirely. By incorporating the human touch into your hiring process, you can create a more engaging, effective, and ultimately successful experience for both candidates and your company.


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Yellow Bricks is a talent search firm that hires exceptional temporary and permanent professionals for growth organisations. Click here to find out more.



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