Leading Alongside AI: 4 Essential Skills Leaders Need

Leading Alongside AI: 4 Essential Skills Leaders Need

As we enter a new era of innovation and technological advancement. AI is becoming an increasingly important part of the business landscape – including in leadership. A 2022 survey saw 92% of large companies say that they have already announced plans to invest more into AI.   AI is here to stay, and it is […]

April 5th, 2023


Marketing Manager

As we enter a new era of innovation and technological advancement. AI is becoming an increasingly important part of the business landscape – including in leadership. A 2022 survey saw 92% of large companies say that they have already announced plans to invest more into AI.


AI is here to stay, and it is only going to expand its reach across society. Leaders must keep up with the pace of change in order to continue leading alongside it. Whilst AI can streamline and enhance our work processes, it will ultimately be human skills that will drive business success.


Let’s explore four key skills every leader will need in the age of AI:


Emotional Intelligence 💡

Having high emotional intelligence as a leader involves effectively understanding and managing one’s emotions and those of their team. This crucial skill allows leaders to build trust amongst their people, creating a positive and productive working environment. As AI continues to take over mundane tasks, leaders will need to focus more on team management to ensure cohesion and collaboration.


People Skills 💬

Leaders with strong people skills help to inspire, motivate, and lead their teams – something irreplaceable by AI. Having exceptional people skills as a leader helps to create a supportive and inclusive working environment. This helps to promote collaboration and innovation, which are crucial for business success. In the future, leadership will need to focus more on building relationships, working collaboratively to solve complex problems, and building team morale as AI becomes part of the bigger picture.


Creative Thinking 🎨

When looking to the future, leaders who can think creatively will be better equipped to deal with change challenges. They will be able to leverage the capabilities of AI to identify new opportunities and improve processes within their business. By being better equipped to predict future trends and encourage innovation and experimentation within their teams, they can maintain their competitive edge in their industry and, ultimately, drive business success through their leadership.


Continuous Learning 🔎

Only 16% of leaders are primed to use technology to drive successful outcomes for people and businesses. Now, more than ever is an opportunity for those who want to learn the skills to get ahead. As AI evolves, leaders must stay up to speed with the latest developments and technologies. Those who value a growth mindset and continuous learning will inspire their teams to do the same by helping to foster a culture of learning and development within their company.


As AI continues to transform the workplace, leaders will need to hold strong skills in certain areas to stay ahead of the curve and continue leading in the age of AI. These four skills will be crucial in the future in the age of AI, where leadership will remain key for complex decision-making, relationship-building, and problem-solving.


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