8 hacks to attract the best talent in 2024

8 hacks to attract the best talent in 2024

Our product is people, which means that we have to evolve constantly.   Staying adaptable and open to change is crucial to navigating the complexities of finding and attracting exceptional talent.   One thing we stand by is that people MUST be treated as people; if you want to attract the best, it takes dedication, […]

December 14th, 2023



A search expert making key hires for over twenty years.

Our product is people, which means that we have to evolve constantly.


Staying adaptable and open to change is crucial to navigating the complexities of finding and attracting exceptional talent.


One thing we stand by is that people MUST be treated as people; if you want to attract the best, it takes dedication, selflessness, curiosity, and hard work.


Here are our top 8 strategies for attracting the best talent in 2024.



Strike a balance with AI

The PwC predicts that AI will contribute over $15 trillion to the global economy by 2030. In an era where artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing, maintaining a balance is crucial.


Recent research highlights a growing sense of disconnection among candidates. 72% are frustrated by the lack of direct communication during the hiring process, and 66% are hesitant to apply for jobs that use AI in hiring decisions due to concerns over fairness.


While AI can boost hiring efficiency, a human touch remains essential. Learn more here.



Reduce your advertising spend (the people you want rarely apply)

Think about fishing: You put your rod out, add some bait to the line, and wait patiently for those juicy fish to take the bait. This is not dissimilar to advertising a job online. You put a job advert up, submit, and think phew, that’s it. Let’s just sit back and wait for all of those people to apply.


But what if you are the biggest fish by miles – envied, adored, wise, and gifted. Are you going to take a nibble of a worm with a hook sticking through it, or head on for bigger and better things?


There is an art to hiring and attracting great talent – save yourself the time and investment on ads that aren’t getting you what you are looking for.



Invest in hiring a people experience team

Building a dedicated people experience team enhances the overall candidate and employee journey, positively impacting the attraction, engagement, and retention of top talent. Research shows that organisations with a specialised people experience team see a 30% increase in candidate satisfaction (LinkedIn Global Recruiting Trends 2023), and typically reduce their time-to-hire by 15% (SHRM).


Instead of investing in job ads, redirect funds and focus on building a stellar people experience team.



Think like a search agency

In the rush to hire, it is easy to make reactive decisions. However, striving for mutually beneficial relationships is important to ensure long-term success for your company and new hires. Look beyond familiar faces and networks; seek out new talent with fresh perspectives that will drive growth.



Treat your pipeline with care

Almost 4 in 5 candidates will speak openly to their peers about a poor hiring experience, so it is crucial to nurture your pipeline. Give maximum value to every candidate and deliver personalised communication and timely feedback.



Prioritise the candidate experience

You may not always get them over the line, but your candidates will like you and tell their friends. Recent research from LinkedIn suggests that 88% of candidates share positive hiring experiences with their professional networks, potentially expanding your company’s reach to a broader talent pool.


Your pipeline won’t forget their experience and how they were treated throughout your hiring process – make sure it’s a positive one.



Align with like-minded suppliers

When engaging with external partners, ensure they align with your company values to maintain a consistent and cohesive approach. Partnering with like-minded suppliers is crucial for the success of your projects and prevents the potential undoing of your hard work.



Value your people like your hottest sales lead

Your people are who bring your product or service to life. They should be heard, nurtured, and empowered so they can produce their best work. Create an environment where your team can thrive, bring their full potential to the table, and attract other like-minded individuals to come and do the same.





Need to hire? Get in touch with one of our hiring experts




To find out more about how to focus on your brand, get in touch today.
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Yellow Bricks is a female-owned and led executive search firm hiring predominately for software companies with diversity and inclusion at the heart of our offering. To learn more, click here.
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