C-Suite positions are rarely advertised. Here’s why and how you can win them.

C-Suite positions are rarely advertised. Here’s why and how you can win them.

Have you ever wondered why you hardly see job adverts for top-level executive positions?   It’s not just because these roles require a very specific set of skills and experience; there are several pretty good reasons behind it.   Let’s discuss and uncover how you can get onto the path to the C-Suite.   Why […]

October 3rd, 2023



A search expert making key hires for over twenty years.

Have you ever wondered why you hardly see job adverts for top-level executive positions?


It’s not just because these roles require a very specific set of skills and experience; there are several pretty good reasons behind it.


Let’s discuss and uncover how you can get onto the path to the C-Suite.


Why are C-Suite positions rarely advertised?


Companies prefer to conduct executive searches discreetly for several reasons:


Protect Confidentiality

Executives play a pivotal role in the shaping of a company’s strategy, and their departure or replacement can have a significant impact on an organisation’s direction. Therefore, companies often choose to keep these transitions low-key to avoid unnecessary disruptions.


Preserve Stakeholder Confidence

Confidence from stakeholders, such as investors, customers, and employees is crucial. Publicly announcing top-level vacancies can create uncertainty; potentially eroding this confidence. Stakeholders may interpret such announcements as a lack of succession planning or internal turmoil, both of which can be damaging to an organisation’s reputation and stability.


Aim for the Best Talent

Companies want to attract the best talent for executive roles, and keeping the search confidential allows them to approach candidates who may not be actively seeking new opportunities.


What you can do to uncover and win these hidden opportunities


If you are looking to get onto the path to the C-Suite, we are here to offer you guidance on how to navigate this job market and position yourself for success.


Be Present at High-End Events

Networking is crucial. Attend high-end industry events, conferences, and seminars where influential individuals and executive search experts will be. By being present at these events and actively engaging with industry leaders, you can get on their radar and open doors to potential opportunities.


Leverage Executive Search Firms

Executive search firms, such as Yellow Bricks, specialise in connecting top-level executives with leading organisations. To access these hidden opportunities, make it a priority to engage with them. The more commitment and clarity you provide about your career goals, the harder they will work to find the perfect match for you.

As these firms have insider knowledge about unadvertised positions, they can help you access exclusive executive roles that may never be publicly announced.


Showcase Your Thought Leadership

Are you a confident public speaker with valuable insights to share? Consider seeking stage time at leading events within your industry. Being a thought leader can elevate your visibility within the executive community. When the time comes for organisations to fill top-level positions, they are more likely to consider individuals who have demonstrated strong expertise and leadership, helping you to get onto the path to the C-Suite.


Seek Referrals from Trusted Contacts

Ask your trusted contacts for introductions and recommendations based on their real experiences and connections. Personal referrals carry more weight and can provide you with access to these hidden opportunities.


So the next time you don’t see a job ad for a C-suite position, remember that it’s not because the position isn’t available. It’s simply because the company is taking a more strategic and confidential approach to finding their next top-level executive, and that could be you. By embracing the opportunities that lie beyond the traditional job adverts, you’ll be well on your way and on the path to the C-Suite.



Get in touch today to see how Yellow Bricks can help you land your dream executive role.


Call us now on 01628 566 447.



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