4 Eating Habits of Highly Successful People

4 Eating Habits of Highly Successful People

What do the world’s most successful people eat on a day to day basis?   Food is fuel, and these leaders make a point of choosing what they eat wisely.   Here are the eating habits of some highly successful people:   Being Predictable 💡 Many leaders are famous for being highly predictable in when […]

February 6th, 2023


Marketing Manager

What do the world’s most successful people eat on a day to day basis?


Food is fuel, and these leaders make a point of choosing what they eat wisely.


Here are the eating habits of some highly successful people:


Being Predictable 💡

Many leaders are famous for being highly predictable in when they wake up to what they wear to reduce the number of decisions they need to make in the morning. For example, Steve Jobs was known for wearing the same outfit every day that consisted of a jumper and pair of jeans.


Former Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, does the same with food. He’s looked to build a predictable routine for his eating habits to reduce the number of decisions he needs to make during the day. For example, at breakfast, he always has two boiled eggs with soy sauce – a great source of protein.



Immune Boosts Whilst Travelling 🍊

In the face of new people and places comes an increased chance of getting ill. That’s why Founder and CEO of Thrive Global, Arianna Huffington, takes fish oil, vitamin D, and Chinese herbs to boost her immune system when travelling – particularly during the winter.



Saying ‘No’ to Refined Sugar 🙅‍♀️

We all know too much sugar is bad for us. So much so, many leaders are known for eradicating it from their diets completely. In 2013, Jack Dorsey followed the ‘Paleo diet’, which consists of eliminating refined sugars, grains, and processed foods.

Arianna Huffington has also spoken about giving up refined sugar for the last good number of years and how she’s got to the stage where she doesn’t miss it at all. In fact, she’s said that if she eats cake, at a celebration for example, it feels like she’s “putting poison” into her body.



Making Time to Eat 🕒

Although some highly successful people are known to skip meals as a result of being ‘too busy’, such as Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Executive Chairman of Amazon, Jeff Bezos says he actively avoids planning early morning meetings to allow him to have a leisurely breakfast with his wife and children. This also helps him to make time to prepare a healthier breakfast and stay away from any convenience and processed foods.


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