6 Tips for Working In Hot Weather

6 Tips for Working In Hot Weather

As the UK declares a national heatwave emergency with temperatures set to exceed the record set in Cambridge in 2019 of 38.7 degrees, we provide some useful tips for getting through a day of work in the sweltering heat. With the huge rise in people working from home, access to industrial-sized, state-of-the-art air-con units for […]

July 17th, 2022


Marketing Manager

As the UK declares a national heatwave emergency with temperatures set to exceed the record set in Cambridge in 2019 of 38.7 degrees, we provide some useful tips for getting through a day of work in the sweltering heat.

With the huge rise in people working from home, access to industrial-sized, state-of-the-art air-con units for many is not available.

A heatwave can be challenging for all people, but how can you make work a little easier during a heatwave?


Here are our favourite tips for working in hot weather:


  1. Balance your schedule 🧩

We often put the important tasks off, frantically chasing a deadline. Instead of this, divide your day and tasks into parts to reflect the heat and avoid the most stressful work at the peak of the day’s heat. Being mindful of how the temperature will affect your performance will allow you to add conscious breaks in between tasks which is important day to day, but particularly so in the heat.


  1. Cool down your pulse points 🧊

Your pulse points are the places on your body where your blood vessels are close enough to the skin that you can feel your pulse. Due to this proximity, applying cold water or similar to these areas can help to lower the temperature of your blood, helping to cool you down.

Examples of pulse points are your wrists, temples, and the back of your neck.


  1. Wear thin, light-coloured, and loose clothes 👚

Linen and cotton are the best fabrics to wear when it’s warm as they are light and can absorb moisture quickly. Avoid wearing dark colours if you are heading outside as they absorb heat, whereas lighter colours reflect heat instead.


  1. Avoid caffeine ☕🚫

Drinks with caffeine in them, such as tea and coffee, can cause dehydration due to being a mild diuretic. Instead, opt for cold beverages – especially ice water!


  1. Have water – often 🚰

It may be obvious, but it’s extremely important. Keeping hydrated when it’s hot ensures your body is replacing the fluids it’s losing from increased sweating. Where possible, always carry a bottle of water with you.


  1. Alter your face to face meetings 🕒

Can you book meetings for first thing in the morning when you are feeling fresh and rejuvenated after a good night’s sleep? Consider working earlier or later in the day to avoid having to sit at your desk during the middle of the day when temperatures tend to be at their peak. Using the weather forecast can help you make these decisions and avoid working in hot temperatures where possible.


Our personal recommendations:

As well as following these tips, having a helping hand is never a bad idea!


Here are some devices that Team YB recommend:


DIY Aircon!? Yes please! 🤩

Try placing a glass of ice water in front of a fan and switch it on. This will help to create a cooling breeze – replicating the feel of an air-conditioned office!


Enjoy the sun! Be careful out there! ☀️


To find out more about how to focus on your brand, get in touch today.
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