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in Executive Search

With over a decade of valuable and varied industry experience, we know how to spot a good egg and we’re incredibly proud of the people who make our business what it is

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8 Habits That Will Make You a Better Leader

8 Habits That Will Make You a Better Leader

It’s the start of a shiny new year ✨   Your people will be looking to you for guidance and reassurance as we enter more uncertain times.   Building strong foundations by adopting helpful habits will help you to be the best leader you can be.   Here are our top 8 habits that will […]
8 hacks to attract the best talent in 2024

8 hacks to attract the best talent in 2024

Our product is people, which means that we have to evolve constantly.   Staying adaptable and open to change is crucial to navigating the complexities of finding and attracting exceptional talent.   One thing we stand by is that people MUST be treated as people; if you want to attract the best, it takes dedication, […]
Culture Leadership People

Why employee recognition is key to a happy team

Feeling valued is a core human need.
Is attrition high on your agenda?
Latest news
Unlocking Opportunities: Labour’s New Deal for Working People

Unlocking Opportunities: Labour’s New Deal for Working People

As the political landscape undergoes significant changes, employers and human resource professionals are closely monitoring the Labour Party’s firm commitment to overhaul employment rights early in their tenure. Within the first 100 days of taking office, the party has pledged to enact comprehensive reforms.   This initiative stems from the party’s critical assessment of current […]
Managing the School Holidays as a Working Parent

Managing the School Holidays as a Working Parent

When it comes to planning for school holidays, working parents and guardians face the huge task of making arrangements for their little people and deciding how they will go about managing the school holidays. This can be quite a stressful time, causing families to feel often guilty about not being around all of the time. […]
4 Leadership Skills That Will Set You Apart in 2024

4 Leadership Skills That Will Set You Apart in 2024

Are you aspiring to lead in 2024?   If so, you’re in the right place.   It can be tough to figure out the best next moves to make in your career in a world that is constantly changing, and for those looking to lead, the demands of a leader are evolving faster than ever […]
9 Tips to Crafting a Magnetic CV in 2024

9 Tips to Crafting a Magnetic CV in 2024

Are you tirelessly sending out CVs, only to hear silence in return?   Cracking the CV code is getting harder!   With the barrier to entry ever widening through complicated platforms, AI, and a lack of human interaction, it has become frustrating and confidence-wrecking to attempt to seek a new role—I hear it every day. […]
3 Business Leadership Skills You Need to Hire in 2024

3 Business Leadership Skills You Need to Hire in 2024

In the fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape of 2024, hiring the right leader is critical to organizational success.   As Deloitte found, businesses with a culture led by great leaders were 12 times more likely to have high business performance.   But you’ve got to know what to hire! And that can be difficult to […]
7 basic interview tips to stand out and get the job

7 basic interview tips to stand out and get the job

Have you got an interview coming up?   Has it been a while?   We have plenty of interview tips to get you started with your preparation.   Attending an interview can be a daunting feeling. Read on to discover our top tips to show your best side during an interview.   As soon as […]
When and Why You Should Hire an Interim Contractor

When and Why You Should Hire an Interim Contractor

We have all experienced the effects of a hiring freeze.   Good people are leaving, workload is mounting, and those left behind are feeling overwhelmed.   As a manager, how can you complete the tasks expected from you while maintaining the happiness of your team?   While a hiring freeze puts a stop to engaging […]
Supercharge Your Pipeline: 5 Tips for Quality Candidate Feedback

Supercharge Your Pipeline: 5 Tips for Quality Candidate Feedback

Want to grow your people pipeline?   The most common complaint from candidates is a need for more constructive feedback; considering the candidate has invested time in your organisation, is it only fair to provide some constructive feedback to help the person with their future job search?   With so many leaders feeling uncomfortable giving […]
5 career-boosting moves women can make

5 career-boosting moves women can make

As the leader of an independent search firm, I am privileged to witness, influence, and guide the remarkable achievements of women entering and excelling within leadership across diverse industries. The resilience, talent, and dedication I see daily is truly inspiring.   As we head into International Women’s Day this week, I wanted to reflect on […]
Is this the real reason your people are leaving?

Is this the real reason your people are leaving?

We know that replacing key talent is a lot of work; when done badly, it can cost a lot of time and money.   Plus, the initial time, energy, and investment spent on hiring talent means it’s important to have effective retention strategies in place.   We polled 500 HR and people leaders, and 72% […]
How getting stage time could boost your career

How getting stage time could boost your career

Do you have insights, experiences, or ideas to share?   Make this the year they are heard! You deserve it, and here’s the big bonus – getting stage time can seriously boost your career.   Now, if the idea of standing up and speaking in front of a group makes you anxious, just remember that […]
How to Give Your CV the Edge

How to Give Your CV the Edge

Taking the time to craft your CV has never been so critical.   A CV is often the first glimpse of you that a company has to decide if they want to consider you for a new job opening – standing out as a good match for their organisation is important.   Getting your CV […]
8 hacks to attract the best talent in 2024

8 hacks to attract the best talent in 2024

Our product is people, which means that we have to evolve constantly.   Staying adaptable and open to change is crucial to navigating the complexities of finding and attracting exceptional talent.   One thing we stand by is that people MUST be treated as people; if you want to attract the best, it takes dedication, […]
5 Practical Ways to Beat Imposter Syndrome in 2024

5 Practical Ways to Beat Imposter Syndrome in 2024

How many times have you recently felt that you have lost your career edge? Do you feel like others are more confident and overtaking you to achieve greater success? You are not alone; self-doubt has crept in, and we’re here to help you banish it!   As experienced recruitment specialists, we understand that individuals often […]
Why Leaders Need to Foster a Learning Culture

Why Leaders Need to Foster a Learning Culture

The pandemic brought a transformation to the working world, and as we enter the age of AI, businesses need to act now to future-proof themselves.   Going forward, the growth in technology and workers’ re-evaluations of their working lives means that incorporating a learning culture needs to become a top priority for organisations to future-proof, […]
5 Ways of Managing Stress as a Leader

5 Ways of Managing Stress as a Leader

As a leader, your people will look to you for guidance in times of challenge and uncertainty.   Trying to manage your team as well as yourself during these times can make you vulnerable to high stress that can become chronic if not dealt with properly.   Currently, 69% of executives are considering quitting due […]
The secret to leadership in 2024? The coach

The secret to leadership in 2024? The coach

The world of leadership is changing fast, and 2024 looks like it’s not going to stop. It’s seemingly not enough for leaders to rely solely on traditional management and leadership skills in a multigenerational, distributed, and increasingly complex workspace. Leaders must adapt, be creative, and show empathy in a world of constant change.   But […]
5 Questions All Leaders Should Be Asking Their Teams

5 Questions All Leaders Should Be Asking Their Teams

70% of employees say their purpose is related to their work.   People who feel their work has purpose are often more satisfied with their professional lives and loyal to companies who advocate for their own lives and careers.   They are 69% less likely to plan to quit their jobs within the next 6 […]
Why leaders are being told to evolve or face extinction.

Why leaders are being told to evolve or face extinction.

Global CEOs believe their organisation won’t be economically viable in 10 years’ time if they stay on their current path.   This is not just a warning but an urgent call to action. In PwC’s recent Global CEO survey, 4,410 chief executives all agree: you must “evolve or die”.   The turbulence of recent years, […]
C-Suite positions are rarely advertised. Here’s why and how you can win them.

C-Suite positions are rarely advertised. Here’s why and how you can win them.

Have you ever wondered why you hardly see job adverts for top-level executive positions?   It’s not just because these roles require a very specific set of skills and experience; there are several pretty good reasons behind it.   Let’s discuss and uncover how you can get onto the path to the C-Suite.   Why […]
8 Steps to Getting Your Career Back on Track

8 Steps to Getting Your Career Back on Track

We know that a lot of the jobs we like the look of online are over applied to, probably phoney, in reality unsuitable, or were filled months ago with no one bothering to take them down.     In some sectors, the hiring markets are weaker than they have been in decades. Trying to navigate […]
Remote war rages on. What’s your take?

Remote war rages on. What’s your take?

We are currently witnessing a large-scale social experiment unfold:   Can we be just as effective when working from home?   Are we just as engaged, productive, and happy?   The COVID-19 pandemic forced many workplaces to shut their doors entirely, resulting in millions of workers being required to work from home.   Now, three years […]
8 Ways to Keep a Job Search Going Over the Summer

8 Ways to Keep a Job Search Going Over the Summer

Are you seeking a new opportunity this summer? During this time of year, you will want to spend quality time with friends and family. How can you balance work and play effectively when looking for a new role? We share our top 8 tips for keeping a job search going over the summer:   Review […]
Executives, here are 9 ways to create a world-class personal brand

Executives, here are 9 ways to create a world-class personal brand

Your personal, professional brand. The strengths, characteristics, and achievements others remember you for.   It is an important deciding factor in how promotions and career opportunities play out.   But creating that brand and keeping it consistent is difficult — potentially more so than ever before.   Why does your brand matter in 2023?   […]
Why your hiring process could be costing you talent

Why your hiring process could be costing you talent

Now, more than ever, candidates are encountering more automation throughout their journey in the hiring process. From speaking with today’s top talent, we know that candidates are feeling disconnected.   Human touch is important to your talent pipeline, and it should be important to you too. If not, your hiring process could be costing you […]
7 Ways to Communicate Better

7 Ways to Communicate Better

Are you a leader?   According to a Gallup survey, 70% of employee engagement is tied to the quality of communication from leadership. Communication is vital for driving organisational success. Whether you’re leading in a hybrid, remote, or full-time office environment, honing your communication skills is key to fostering engagement and collaboration. To help you […]
Leading Alongside AI: 4 Essential Skills Leaders Need

Leading Alongside AI: 4 Essential Skills Leaders Need

As we enter a new era of innovation and technological advancement. AI is becoming an increasingly important part of the business landscape – including in leadership. A 2022 survey saw 92% of large companies say that they have already announced plans to invest more into AI.   AI is here to stay, and it is […]
4 Leadership Skills That Will Turbocharge Your Career in 2023

4 Leadership Skills That Will Turbocharge Your Career in 2023

Yellow Bricks Search dives into the latest and largest global study on leadership skills to show you what you’ve got to grow, where to start, and why it’s all important in 2023. Whether you’re looking to boost your career by getting that next promotion or a new role outside your company, one way to go […]
Yellow Bricks – Unlocking Success with Executive Search Headhunters

Yellow Bricks – Unlocking Success with Executive Search Headhunters

Our boutique executive search agency specialises in providing seamless head hunter talent solutions. We identify and attract the best candidates to help you grow your business
Why employee recognition is key to a happy team

Why employee recognition is key to a happy team

Could you be about to lose your star players?   Feeling valued is a core human need.   If attrition is high on your agenda, this could be the solution to retaining more of your key people.   69% of employees admit that recognition would keep them at their company, and with the average cost […]
Yellow Bricks Story: Inspiring the Talent of the Future

Yellow Bricks Story: Inspiring the Talent of the Future

It is National Careers Week, often only celebrated within education establishments. What if we all did something amazing for the young people? What if we helped just one person each? Could a change happen?   It is hard to think about helping young people who are not your own. To justify doing something else with […]
6 Gender Biases in the Workplace and How We Can Address Them

6 Gender Biases in the Workplace and How We Can Address Them

As humans, we have biases.   They can be deliberate or unconscious and can impact all areas of society 🌍   They stem from stereotypes and assumptions we have about different groups of people.     Why do we rely on stereotypes? We have a conscious and unconscious mind that works in two different ways. […]
4 Eating Habits of Highly Successful People

4 Eating Habits of Highly Successful People

What do the world’s most successful people eat on a day to day basis?   Food is fuel, and these leaders make a point of choosing what they eat wisely.   Here are the eating habits of some highly successful people:   Being Predictable 💡 Many leaders are famous for being highly predictable in when […]
6 Meaningful Career Goals for 2023

6 Meaningful Career Goals for 2023

It’s January 2023, a new month, and a fresh new year.   Are you a person who likes to set new year’s goals?   How often do you set career new year’s goals?   Work is such a big part of our lives. Have you taken time out to reflect on your professional life, and […]
8 Habits That Will Make You a Better Leader

8 Habits That Will Make You a Better Leader

It’s the start of a shiny new year ✨   Your people will be looking to you for guidance and reassurance as we enter more uncertain times.   Building strong foundations by adopting helpful habits will help you to be the best leader you can be.   Here are our top 8 habits that will […]
The Benefits to Hiring a Temp or Contractor

The Benefits to Hiring a Temp or Contractor

You have big ideas.   However, these ideas come with the need for an increased level of niche skill or time that your employees may not have.   What can you do?   Hire a temporary worker or an interim contractor:   What is a temporary worker / interim contractor?   An interim contractor is […]
Morning Habits for Success and Why They Work

Morning Habits for Success and Why They Work

What does your morning routine look like? 🌤️ We hear all the time that forming healthy habits in the morning is the key to starting off our day right. But why is that so? We discuss the most helpful morning habits for success and why they work.   Morning Habits for Success #1 – Ditch […]
Work is changing. Don’t get left behind.

Work is changing. Don’t get left behind.

The world is changing, and so is the workplace 🌍 👔  From witnessing The Great Resignation, it is clear that now, more than ever, employees are seeking more from their jobs and the world of work is changing. Employers may be quick to assume a pay rise is the antidote.  However, in 2022, money is […]
Benefits of Hiring Temps During Uncertain Times

Benefits of Hiring Temps During Uncertain Times

When times look rough, it is often helpful to look back for guidance.   In the past few years there has been a major battle for talent. With the post pandemic boom, many experienced exponential growth, which warranted the extra headcount. However, as things settle and in some cases, go backward, we are seeing a […]
UK Visa Sponsorship: Explained

UK Visa Sponsorship: Explained

Employing a motivated, overseas worker: Not hard, not expensive   Immigration Law is often considered procedurally complex, expensive, and bureaucratic. I’ve omitted those parts to show employing an overseas worker doesn’t have to be a burden.   The following attempts to simplify a path for the employment of overseas nationals in the UK. To do […]
How Should Employers Respond To Strikes?

How Should Employers Respond To Strikes?

Travel disruption is expected in the next few weeks. Train strikes are due for the end of July and middle of August due to rows over jobs, conditions, and pay. In the August strikes alone, 40,000 workers across Network Rail are expected to walk out. With trains being a popular mode of transport for workers, […]
6 Tips for Working In Hot Weather

6 Tips for Working In Hot Weather

As the UK declares a national heatwave emergency with temperatures set to exceed the record set in Cambridge in 2019 of 38.7 degrees, we provide some useful tips for getting through a day of work in the sweltering heat. With the huge rise in people working from home, access to industrial-sized, state-of-the-art air-con units for […]
Helina’s Takeaways from MADFest, London

Helina’s Takeaways from MADFest, London

Last week, I attended MADFest in Shoreditch, London! 🤩 It was a jam-packed day with many amazing brands and speakers joining together to celebrate the world of advertising and marketing! Being new to marketing, it was invaluable for me to be amongst and hear from many senior and experienced marketers.   Here are some of […]
Abby’s Takeaways from London Tech Week

Abby’s Takeaways from London Tech Week

Last month, I had the pleasure of attending London Tech Week. I really felt it should have been called UK Tech Week to represent the huge amount of talented Tech organisations flourishing across the country. With over 6000 in attendance, it was great to be in a room with so many like-minded tech enthusiasts.   […]
The Benefits of Team Lunches

The Benefits of Team Lunches

When it’s time for lunch, do you eat at your desk? 🥪 For most people, this is the case. Over 60% of workers say that they eat lunch at their desks. A lunch break should be a break from work to have lunch. Some of us are still not allowing ourselves or feeling able to […]
How the Metaverse will change the Future of Work

How the Metaverse will change the Future of Work

Photo: Microsoft   Bill Gates predicts that within two or three years, virtual meetings will be taking place within the Metaverse. It is clear that changes to how we play, socialise, and work are coming sooner than we think 🎮 💬 💼 With the next decade heavily focused on its development, how will the Metaverse […]
Predictions for Hiring and the Workplace in 2022

Predictions for Hiring and the Workplace in 2022

With 2022 fast approaching, we anticipate how hiring and the workplace will continue to evolve following the effects of a global pandemic and a shift in the way we work 💻   Here are some of our workplace predictions for 2022:   📈 Strategy will be high on the agenda. With the way in which […]
Has the Great Resignation only just begun?

Has the Great Resignation only just begun?

Is the regular news of The Great Resignation starting to break our psychological contract? Do our people really believe the grass is greener on the other side and what can we do to acknowledge where we might have got some things wrong?
Women in Leadership – Heavy is the crown

Women in Leadership – Heavy is the crown

Should we expect women in leadership roles to accept that they must represent the business and beyond at diversity and inclusion events as well as fit in their day job and personal life?   I spoke with a female board-level director about a career opportunity recently, she talked me through her incredible story, I was […]
The Metaverse

The Metaverse

The internet, as we know it, is a 2D world in which a range of information and entertainment is instantly accessible. Despite these extraordinary capabilities, the tech world seeks further growth and expansion. The focus has turned towards creating:   ‘The Metaverse’ 🌍 The Metaverse would allow for a more immersive digital experience by turning […]
London receives record investments into Impact Tech

London receives record investments into Impact Tech

London has become one of the fastest-growing hubs for impact tech with start-ups. Up to the end of 2020, the UK had secured more investment in the past 5 years than any other country in the world, in 2020 an astonishing £950m was raised.
Returning to the office – should employers be marching their employees back? 

Returning to the office – should employers be marching their employees back? 

Returning to the office? Just a few years ago, it was a luxury to work from home. A lot of bosses were sceptical, and employees faced a losing battle to get more than a few days working from home. But, since the arrival of Covid-19, it has become the standard way of working for desk-based […]
Investments in UK Tech Companies Hit New Highs

Investments in UK Tech Companies Hit New Highs

The UK has seen investments in tech reach £13.5 billion across 1400 companies this year alone, with record levels of investment predicted by the end of Q4 – very exciting news. It’s incredible to think that according to our research, in the first half of 2021, UK Tech Start-Ups attracted more venture capital interest than […]
How to Get Your CV Right

How to Get Your CV Right

Finding a new job requires a large amount of time and dedication, we spend a lot of our time at work so securing a job carrying out important tasks that you enjoy alongside people that you like collaborating with at a salary that fits with your lifestyle is important. Then we must consider the commute, the hours, the benefits, the industry and prospects, the list goes on.


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