8 Ways to Keep a Job Search Going Over the Summer

8 Ways to Keep a Job Search Going Over the Summer

Are you seeking a new opportunity this summer? During this time of year, you will want to spend quality time with friends and family. How can you balance work and play effectively when looking for a new role? We share our top 8 tips for keeping a job search going over the summer:   Review […]

July 26th, 2023



A search expert making key hires for over twenty years.

Are you seeking a new opportunity this summer?

During this time of year, you will want to spend quality time with friends and family.

How can you balance work and play effectively when looking for a new role?

We share our top 8 tips for keeping a job search going over the summer:


Review your CV and make amendments

Your CV should be more than just a bland overview of the past and instead be a strong match for the job you are hoping to attract. Take the time to review and tailor your CV to the specific role you are aiming for by highlighting your relevant skills and experience.


Optimise our Linked-In profile 

Linked-In is a powerful tool for job seekers. Although you can make yourself open to work for recruiters to see by using the green halo, what’s more effective is filling in as much detail as possible to educate us on your criteria and save time.


Apply strategically

Don’t apply for jobs you do not want, cannot do, or are overqualified for. Be selective and focus on roles that truly excite you. That way, you will avoid unnecessary upset from rejections and stay motivated throughout the summer.


Account for hiring delays

During the summer, time to hire increases because of paid time off. Factor this into your schedule and be proactive by asking potential employers about expected timelines. Keeping notes regarding this will help you manage your applications more efficiently.


Create your own job pipeline

Have you got a whiteboard? If so, we recommend creating your own job pipeline. Spreadsheets are great, but seeing your activity as you walk by will help to keep you focused and better track your progress.


These are the headings we suggest using:

  • Company
  • Job Title
  • Likelihood of Offer (A, B, C)
  • Applied?
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3
  • Presenting
  • Decline
  • Offer
  • Feedback


Be open about holiday plans

Instead of trying to juggle interviews and screenings during your holiday, be upfront about any time away. Interviewers will be accommodating; it’s better to be transparent and avoid unnecessary stress.


Review your progress

Take time every week to review your job search progress. Identify any roadblocks or areas that need improvement and make necessary tweaks for success. Stay positive, and celebrate even the small wins along the way.


Enlist the support of an expert recruiter

Finding the perfect role can be daunting, but you don’t have to go at it alone. The best way to find that perfect role is by enlisting the support of an experienced and well-networked recruitment professional who understands and agrees with what it is that you need. While you enjoy the summer, they will be working hard for you in return for your commitment.


Here at Yellow Bricks, we specialise in connecting top talent with scaling organisations across various industries.

Get in touch today to see how our expert recruiters can support you in your job search to land your next role this summer.


Happy Summer Holidays! ⛱️


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