How getting stage time could boost your career

How getting stage time could boost your career

Do you have insights, experiences, or ideas to share?   Make this the year they are heard! You deserve it, and here’s the big bonus – getting stage time can seriously boost your career.   Now, if the idea of standing up and speaking in front of a group makes you anxious, just remember that […]

January 17th, 2024



A search expert making key hires for over twenty years.

Do you have insights, experiences, or ideas to share?


Make this the year they are heard! You deserve it, and here’s the big bonus – getting stage time can seriously boost your career.


Now, if the idea of standing up and speaking in front of a group makes you anxious, just remember that you are not alone. In fact, 75% of us say that public speaking causes us anxiety, and that is completely understandable (being the centre of attention is no easy thing!)


However, as a leadership search firm, we are seeing firsthand just how much communication is growing in attractiveness to employers, and companies are prioritising it more than ever when building their senior leadership teams. With the world becoming more digital, they know that clear communication from the top is essential if they want to attract and retain the best talent.


So, if you’re looking to climb the career ladder this year, developing your communication skills should be your top priority.


Wondering where to start? Don’t worry, we’re here to help!


Join us as we discuss how getting stage time can move you forward in your career and four of our top tips for developing your presenting skills.


Let’s dive in.



How getting stage time can help with career progression


Establishing authority and expertise

Speaking at industry events positions you as a thought leader and expert in your field. By sharing your insights, experiences, and knowledge, you demonstrate your understanding of industry trends and challenges. Not only does this boost your visibility to key decision-makers, but it also helps to build your credibility in the leadership space.


Building a personal brand

A compelling personal brand is becoming a key deciding factor in how promotions and career opportunities play out. If you aspire to lead, it’s essential. Public speaking is a great way of getting your voice and brand out there. For more on the importance of having a personal brand and tips on how to build yours, click here.


Expanding your network

Building your network is critical for progressing to the top. By speaking at industry events, you will be able to connect with fellow professionals, industry leaders, and potential collaborators, opening doors to new career opportunities and partnerships. According to a report from LinkedIn, 70% of those transitioning into a new role had an existing connection at the company they were joining, demonstrating the power of your network in advancing you into new roles and companies.


Enhancing your communication skills

Anyone looking to lead knows the importance of having strong communication skills, and a survey from Gallup suggests that 70% of employee engagement is tied to the quality of communication from leadership. Public speaking allows you to practice articulating your ideas, engaging different types of audiences, and handling challenging questions – skills that contribute to your growth as a leader and public speaker.


Navigate the Executive Search Process

For those seeking C-Suite positions, being known within your industry is paramount, as executive search processes often happen discreetly. By regularly speaking at events and establishing your presence, you increase the likelihood of being noticed by executive recruiters and key decision-makers, putting you on the radar for high-profile opportunities.



4 tips to improve your skills


Here are some of our top tips:


Invest in Your Development

Attend workshops, seminars, or consider hiring a coach to refine your public speaking skills. These opportunities will provide you with valuable insights, techniques, and feedback to help you find your rhythm when it comes to presenting.


Practice, Practice, Practice

Public speaking, like any skill, gets better with practice. Try recording yourself, speaking in front of a mirror, or seeking feedback from a trusted colleague to reflect on what you do well and what you could improve on.

Rewatch or reflect on talks that left an impression on you. Ask yourself: What kept you interested? How did the speaker’s style affect that? What can you learn from how they spoke? Watch one of our favourite TED talks from Julian Treasure: “How to speak so that people want to listen”.


Diversify Your Speaking Platforms

Explore a variety of speaking opportunities to hone your skills in different settings. Consider participating in panel discussions, leading workshops, or even contributing to podcasts or webinars. Not only will this broaden your skill set, but it will also expose you to different audience dynamics.


Expand on Your Comfort Zone Gradually

Start by speaking in front of smaller, more familiar groups before gradually taking on larger audiences. This will allow you to steadily build your confidence and refine your personal speaking style for the next time.


If you are looking to advance in your career this year, don’t underestimate the power of getting stage time. Seek opportunities for exposure, build your personal brand and look to listen and learn from others too.



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Yellow Bricks is a female-owned and led executive search firm hiring predominately for software companies with diversity and inclusion at the heart of our offering. To learn more, click here.
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